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High Sensitivity Troponin Test - First Diagnostic Center in Hosur

Writer's picture: PMK SCANS & LABSPMK SCANS & LABS

The high-sensitivity troponin (hs-TnT) test is a blood test that measures the levels of troponin T, a protein found in cardiac muscle cells, in the bloodstream. It's used to diagnose and assess acute myocardial infarction (heart attack) and other cardiovascular conditions.

What is troponin?

Troponin is a protein complex consisting of three subunits (C, I, and T) that regulates muscle contraction. Cardiac troponin T (cTnT) is specific to the heart muscle.

Cardiac Troponin: 

An Important Functional Protein

Troponins are regulatory proteins found in skeletal and cardiac muscle that play a role in muscle contraction. 

Three types exist, and their differentiation is important when considering a diagnosis of AMI.

  • Troponin C is present in both cardiac and skeletal tissue.

  • Troponin T is also found in both cardiac and skeletal tissue based on subtypes.

  • Troponin I is cardiac specific.

When damage or death of cardiac tissue occurs for any reason, cardiac troponin (cTn) is released into the circulation by cardiac muscle cells. Blood cTn testing, therefore, can serve as a significant piece of the diagnostic puzzle, indicating tissue damage and potentially offering insight into underlying causes. While troponin as a biomarker has been recognized since the late 1980s, in 2000, it emerged as the gold standard for assessing myocardial tissue damage.

While high-sensitivity cardiac troponin assays measure the same analyte as their predecessors, they are more precise in analytical sensitivity. A high-sensitive troponin test can measure lower levels of troponin in blood, obtaining limits of detection (LoD) in ranges that were previously undetectable. This allows for the measurement of troponin levels in normal healthy individuals.

The high precision offers several advantages:

  • Rapid diagnosis or exclusion of AMI within one hour—compared to 12 hours with previous troponin assays

  • Confident results reporting due to a low coefficient of variation (CV—<10% at 99th percentile of the reference population; measurements are reproducible and indicate that rising and falling troponin patterns are due to a patient’s biology, not test imprecision)

  • More accurate calculation of the 99th percentile upper reference limit (URL) with a 95% confidence interval

  • An LoD that is in the single-digit ng/L range and markedly lower than the URL—determined by measuring troponin levels in a healthy reference population

  • Sex-specific reference ranges to address troponin level differences in men and women

  • Flexibility to use serum or plasma, depending upon the test

High-sensitivity troponin test:

The hs-TnT test is an advanced version of traditional troponin tests, with improved sensitivity (ability to detect small amounts of troponin) and specificity (ability to distinguish between cardiac and non-cardiac sources of troponin).

Key features of a Troponin Test:

1. Detects troponin levels as low as 0.01 ng/L

2. Increased sensitivity (up to 10-fold) compared to traditional troponin tests

3. Improved diagnostic accuracy for acute myocardial infarction (AMI)

4. Helps identify patients at risk for future cardiovascular events

Applications of a Troponin Test:

1. Diagnosing acute myocardial infarction (heart attack)

2. Assessing cardiac damage after heart attack or cardiac surgery

3. Evaluating chest pain or suspected acute coronary syndrome (ACS)

4. Monitoring cardiovascular risk in patients with:

    - Coronary artery disease

    - Heart failure

    - Diabetes

    - Chronic kidney disease

Interpretation of a Troponin Test:

Results are usually reported in nanograms per liter (ng/L).

- Normal range: < 14 ng/L (varies by laboratory)

- Elevated levels:

    - Mild: 14-50 ng/L

    - Moderate: 50-100 ng/L

    - High: > 100 ng/L

Advantages of a Troponin Test:

1. Early detection of cardiac damage

2. Improved risk stratification

3. Enhanced diagnostic accuracy

4. Guiding treatment decisions

High Sensitivity Troponin Test I (hs-TnT I):

Test Characteristics

1. Test type: Immunoassay

2. Sample type: Serum or plasma

3. Measurement range: 0.01-100 ng/L

4. Analytical sensitivity: 0.01 ng/L

5. Intra-assay precision: ≤ 5%

6. Inter-assay precision: ≤ 10%

Assay Performance

1. Detection limit: 0.01 ng/L

2. Quantitation limit: 0.03 ng/L

3. Linearity: 0.01-100 ng/L

4. Recovery: 90-110%

5. Precision: ≤ 10% CV


1. Sensitivity: 92-100% (for acute MI diagnosis)

2. Specificity: 85-95% (for acute MI diagnosis)

3. Positive predictive value (PPV): 80-90%

4. Negative predictive value (NPV): 95-100%

Reference Range

1. Normal range: < 14 ng/L (99th percentile URL)

2. Elevated levels:

    - Mild: 14-50 ng/L

    - Moderate: 50-100 ng/L

    - High: > 100 ng/L

Interpretation Guidelines

1. Acute MI diagnosis:

    - ≥ 50 ng/L (high sensitivity)

    - ≥ 100 ng/L (high specificity)

2. Cardiac risk stratification:

    - 14-49 ng/L (intermediate risk)

    - ≥ 50 ng/L (high risk)

Factors Affecting Results

1. Renal impairment

2. Chronic kidney disease

3. Heart failure

4. Diabetes

5. Muscle injury or trauma

Instrumentations available @PMK SCANS & LABS

1. Automated analyzers (e.g., Roche Cobas, Abbott Architect)

2. Point-of-care devices (e.g., Alere TnT)

Regulatory Approvals available @PMK SCANS & LABS

1. FDA-cleared (US)

2. CE-marked (EU)

3. Health Canada-approved


Consult a Healthcare Professional or Reach PMK SCANS & LABS to know more about HIGH SENSITIVITY TROPONIN TEST I & to safeguard your health better.

Book a Home Sample Collection appointment today for High Sensitivity Troponin Test I Testing.


  • No.1 Diagnostic Centre in Hosur. 

  • First & Only Diagnostic Center in Hosur for High Sensitivity Troponin Test I.

  • First and Only Lab in Hosur offering Advanced Technology Laboratory.

  • Home Sample Collection for all kinds of Blood Testing. 

  • Authorized & Certified Laboratory in Hosur.

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